Notes on Apollo, the Greek Sun-god and the god of "destruction, plagues, locusts".
These pieces have been coming together slowly, over a period of four years, as I have asked the Lord for understanding of these troubling times. I DID NOT go looking to find these things, rather, as I studied and asked the Lord many questions, I slowly gained understanding. Daniel is a type of believer in these last days who has understanding because he goes to God in prayer to receive wisdom from above. This is an invitation, and even a mandate, in these closing hours.
The charismatic church was urged to run to "prophets" for the word of the Lord, but that is not God's will for us. The Lord desires that we go to Him, and that we test those speaking a word from the Lord. We should be hearing many words from the Lord in this day because where the Holy Spirit is moving, his word should be going forth as it did on Pentecost. In fact, scripture tells us that our words should be spoken by inspiration, and not out of our own understanding, if we are speaking about spiritual things.
The inspired word glorifies Christ. It's like a fire and a hammer, and never an ear-tickling word; that is false prophesy. True prophesy always quickens the spirit to the word with special emphasis on what the Lord is speaking. Much of what we call "prophesy" has become divination in our day, and we are guilty of running to the witches and warlocks for wisdom that only God can give us. It's time to come out of this sin. Though 10,000 on each side fall into that pit, we can stand in the secret place with God. And we must.
Jesus constantly rebuked the religious for reasoning through his words, the truth. He himself did not reason, he said, but only heard the Father. Hearing the Father brings faith. Hearing God in the spirit and mind illuminates the heart. It is how we come to believe on Christ as Messiah, and every other truth. His ways and thoughts are too high to be subjected to reason. If Satan were a dog catcher, reason is the leash that he attaches to your neck to lead you anywhere he wants you to go. We see it in Genesis when he questions Eve's revealed truth. The only reason he was able to lie to Eve was because she was on his leash. The leash of reasoning through truth. This leads to wrong judgments. Wrong thinking. Evil imaginations. Idolatry and death. It is based on what we see, hear, and understand with the intellect, but it is not based on hearing the Lord's Spirit.
Is this making sense? Apollynon is the same as Apollo. Apollo is the name of the fallen angel that empowered Alexander the Great, and returns to empower the Antichrist. Apollo is where we get the word "corona" meaning crown. Apollo is depicted in front of the sun with the sun's rays making a crown on his head. Trump was at the helm when the Coronavirus tyranny began, and he ushered in the shot that continues to devastate the lives of thousands of people. Trump has Apollo painted on his ceiling. He has statues of Apollo. Trump even looks like a sun-god with white hair and orange face.
Donald Trump was the president of the most powerful nation when the world came under the lock-down and Vax tyranny from the Coronavirus.
So here is what we have:
1. Apollo is mentioned in Revelation by John as coming up out of the abyss at the end of days. (Apollo is who Daniel called The Prince of Grecia).
2. Apollo, the sun-god, is the god of plague, locusts and destruction. (see references)
3. Apollo wears the corona, where we get the word, corona, for crown. It comes from Apollo originally (Helios sun-god, one in the same). The corona is seen in the total eclipse of the sun, which marked the first term of President Trump as it came across the states exactly 7 months to the day after Trump took office.
4. There are images of Apollo with the sun's corona forming the crown. Apollo's head blocks out the sun in the same way that Donald Trump's head blocks out the sun in a campaign add.
Check out these images:
Here is Apollo with his head in front of the sun, and the rays, or corona, coming out behind him. This is a popular depiction of Apollo. He is known as the sun god that has rays coming from his head.