Be Still, and Know.
This word came to me after I quieted my heart this morning and felt that it was the Lord speaking a word of caution and encouragement.
"Practice solitude often. Solitude increases your spiritual perception. The spirit knows and perceives while the natural mind ponders, divides, considers, reasons. Guard your mind from distraction.
Knowing in the realm of the spirit is much like a man who looks into a calm pond and sees his reflection in the stillness of the water. He can see his image until a pebble is cast into the water and he loses the image just as it is taking shape. In the same way, silence is the calm water that allows you to hear my voice, for I speak to you in the silence. Emails, T.V., talk shows, intrusive cell phones are the little pebbles that disturb the water just as knowledge is forming in the depths of the spirit man. You may guard yourself against the "giants in the land" but miss me in the distractions of life. It is death by 1,000 cuts that seem insignificant until you put them together-and the enemy deems it so.
I am searching for Simeons, intelligent hearers who listen and obey. Simeon knew the hour in which he lived and knew the Messiah even as the religious community missed the hour of their visitation.
You cannot obey if you do not hear. You cannot hear when the water of your mind and spirit are troubled constantly. Be still as often as you can because I desire fellowship with you, I desire communion. I am speaking to my children, but I am grieved that so few are listening. So few are as Simeon. For those who learn to remain in this stillness, theirs will be great understanding and hearing of things that have not been heard before. To these will be given the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, and theirs will be great joy, for I desire to give you joy that cannot be contained! Be still, and know."
I wanted to include a few practical, and fun, ways to practice solitude:
1. Carry a small notebook and jot down things that the Lord drops into your spirit through the day. (That is how this word came to me today). You may forget them between the time that you hear and when you get home at night.
2. Listen to good classical music while driving. Talk to the Lord and mull over scripture that you read in the morning. Listen.
3. Turn off your cell phone so that you will not be distracted from something that the Holy Spirit is showing you. You may lose the “image” just as it is taking shape in your mind.
If you have your own suggestion, add in a comment. Thanks for stopping by!