"Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellers, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up." Daniel 3:3
How did the godless King Nebuchadnezzar see Jesus? He saw Jesus as he gazed into the fire of persecution that he himself was inflicting on God's people. God is always glorified in he midst of persecution and, godless people will be saved. I'm talking Sauls turned Pauls, for when we suffer as Christ, He is glorified as nothing else can glorify him, for it is Jesus that the people will see.
When 2020 hit, I sought the Lord in prayer. Like most others, I was desperate. On the first day, I opened directly to the book of Daniel. Since that day, I have gleaned so much from Daniel and Revelation, two books that I had read portions of many times but had never actually studied.I now believe that Daniel is not only a prophetic book, but it is also a metaphor for current end-time events. There is much wisdom to be gleaned about what we are facing in this hour, particularly in the three stories involving the image and the fire, the lion's den and the laws passed against the Jews (coming soon), and Belshazzar's idolatrous "let's party like it's 1999" materialistic, blasphemous feast.
Through prayerful examination, there are many clues to how to overcome the beast, his image, and his mark, all things we must overcome in this hour that is "coming as a snare on the earth." (The word "snare" means to rob someone of a blessing!)
I had a dream early this past summer in which I saw the Hebrew word for "image." The word led me to Daniel 3:3 where King Neb had the world's stupidest idea (well, maybe the second stupidest idea), to set up a golden image to which he called all of the rulers to it's dedication.
Right after that, the people are forced to bow down to it. First it was dedicated, and then it was mandated.
As I prayed about it, I felt that the Lord was saying that the meaning of the dream was a warning that an image had been set up, and very soon we would see the world rulers come to its dedication-and then we all would be mandated to bow to it.
When the virus hit the US, I noticed that almost from day one the prophets of the NWO, Cuomo, Gates, and Fauci were all saying the exact same thing! Somehow they seemed to know that it would take exactly 18 months to get through the virus. I heard it come out of all three of their mouths and it struck me as extremely odd. How could they possibly know how long it would take until things got better?
Then it hit me that the number 18 is a multiple of six and consists of three six month periods, 666. It's much like a calling card for the spirit of antichrist that Daniel said would return at the end of the age. Being a consummate show-off, he marks his deeds much like a psychopathic killer leaves his initials at the scene of the crime. After praying, I felt that He said it would take 18 months to usher in the ascendency of the beast world power, and that is why they were all saying it would take 18 months, 666. Gulp. (However, I also learned all of this is according to God's will, so nothing is happening that will not be used for His Kingdom purposes. In the end, God wins.)
As we now see, September has indeed ushered in a time in which world powers are pointing to the jab and saying we must take it or we cannot participate in life. Did you notice how the threats ratcheted up in September? How we went from please be a good duck and get the shot to "now we are losing our patience with you people?" Lightening fast. Good people the world over are losing jobs and homes and the ability to purchase basic good, not to mention threats of prison time for not taking the untested vaccine. All must bow it seems. All must answer to this unseen power.
Israel, Australia, Singapore, and now America, and this is just the beginning. Now that it is actually happening, and it began to sweep the globe exactly in the 18th month, I believe it is very strong confirmation of both the dream, and the word from the Lord about 18 months being the time it takes to usher in the beast kingdom. Maybe it's all a huge coincidence, but I really don't think so. Time will tell.
I sincerely ask that you would discern this for yourselves. We truly see through a glass darkly, but if you get a strong witness form the Lord, then I hope that you will trust it.
We will stand, and not bow, in Christ's mighty power. I think it's time to Be Ready.