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Elon's Fire Dragon From Heaven and Revelation 13

The Christian world, what I will call "Churchianity", has chosen to overlook things that are inconvenient to see. We all do it, when we want something badly, or believe something, we rationalize, overlook, and dismiss information to the contrary. We are doing it again, and I believe we will see very grave consequences. However, scripture tells us it will happen, mass deception in the church, that is, and my hope is that God will work it all for our good. He orders all things according to the counsel of His will. He is training us for eternity, so maybe it's one last divine lesson that we will never, ever forget.

This will be a longer post as I will talk about Elon's dark sentences, Elon's fire from heaven, and Trump and Elon teaming up from Revelation 13, so buckle your seat belts!

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. Daniel 8:23

Elon and Dark Sentences:

"Dark Sentences" keeps leaping out at me as I consider the Martian (Mr. Musk.)  In the original Hebrew, "dark sentences" or "schemes" as it is often interpreted, comes from the word, Chidah (Khee-daw) meaning "a riddle, an enigmatic, a perplexing saying or question."

Elon seems to enjoy being enigmatic (meaning, "difficult to understand, or mysterious.) If you don't think so, you haven't seen his posts on X. One of his enigmatic comments was posted a day or so after the release of Grok2, his chatbot/AI program that makes beautiful, life-like images and answers your "spicy" questions in mere seconds. In the post, Elon shared a short video which he had presumably created with his chatbot. In the video, medieval looking people dance around a large fire, and out of the fire a dragon emerges, spreading its evil wings over the raucous crowd. Underneath the video, he posted this:

 "How will we know what's real?" Let's remember, one of his major rockets is named, "Dragon", along with "Falcon." Things that make you go, "hmmmm?"

As I said in an earlier post, it is looking like we will need a supercomputer to tell us the answer to that question, but time will tell. And it is even more curious when you consider that his spaceship is named, Dragon. Is that how Mr. Dark, Creepy, Mysterious Sentences thinks about his satellites that blanket every inch of our global skies...a fire-breathing dragon? It seems likely. If it walks like a duck, or dragon, it just may be one.

Apparently, Elon thinks that he is moving into the White House, because in another of his enigmatic tweets, er, X's, he posted a photo of himself standing in the Oval Office holding a large, ceramic kitchen sink. Under the photo he wrote, "Let that sink in."

I am letting it sink in, and it leaves me with a sinking feeling. I was already feeling very uneasy about Donald Trump and seeing many prophetic scriptures leaping to life that pointed to him, and now that Elon appears to be his side kick (Trump talked at length about him in his acceptance speech, and the following morning Trump posted, "A star is born" regarding Elon), the conviction grows that all of the events spoken of the Revelation prophesy are quickly coming to pass. 

The Head Wound and The Image 

In Revelation 13, we are told about a man, the Antichrist, who survives a wound to his head. His survival and recovery are miraculous, so much so that the people are amazed by him. They think this must be a God thing. But that's not all. This man, who survives the head wound, has an "accomplice", as one Bible commentator interprets the passage. This accomplice forces everyone in the world to obey an image of the man that is given the ability to speak, that is, the image speaks, and we have to do what it says. Apparently, the image is deemed the most intelligent, correct source of information, and therefore all must gain knowledge from it, and follow its dictates. The text does not say why we have to obey it, but it seems this would be the case.

I want to highlight this blossoming relationship between the AC and his false prophet (fp), and specifically the head wound and the image that speaks. I am including my bible commentary in parentheses as I was very struck by what he had to say about the second head wound. (I consider bible commentaries helpful when it comes to background information and original languages, but do not rely on them for understanding that only the Holy Spirit can give-however, sometimes there is agreement. Men cannot interpret scripture for us, on the Lord can do it as Andrew Murray and Tozier have said so well.)

Revelation 13: 11-17

"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth (refers to the false prophet); and he has two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon (refers to the fact that he will be greatly anointed by the devil). And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him (the power or authority exercised by the false prophet will come directly from Satan, and not through Antichrist), and causes the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast (the false prophet is promoting Earth and not heaven, meaning he will promise heaven here on Earth; the promises he makes will be tied to the "worship" given to the Antichrist) whose deadly wound was healed (commentator explains this is not the head wound mentioned later in this chapter, rather, it pertains to the return of the fallen angel who has been held in chains for this last hour); And he (false prophet) does great wonders (signs), so that he makes fire come down from Heaven on the Earth in the sight of men.

Ok, that was a lot, so let me pause here. What struck me as I wrote that is how the fp promises heaven on earth if we will follow the Antichrist. Have you heard the things that Elon is saying, like that we will eradicate death, just like the Messiah who came to destroy death? Will someone please let Elon know that Jesus has already destroyed death, and will utterly abolish it very soon?

What I really wanted to highlight is the literal head wound spoken of in the second half of Revelation 13. 

Here is what he says:

"And deceives them who dwell on the Earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast (refers to the efforts of the false prophet to elevate that Antichrist;) saying to them who dwell on the Earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live (refers to the Antichrist  being wounded, a wound incidentally which should have taken his life;(my comment: in another passage on the "sword wound" commentary says probably survives an assassination attempt!) that he lives is construed as a miracle, with credit probably going to the false prophet) And he (fp) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he who had the mark (we are told in verses 11-13 that the seduction of the Antichrist will be religious; now we are told in 16-17 it will be economic), or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

First of all, did you notice that the false prophet elevates the AC? Who is elevating Trump? I read an article asking if Elon was responsible for getting Trump into office. He sunk hundreds of million into his campaign (see article below). In fact, Elon endorsed Trump "moments" after the assassination attempt, as if he read Revelation 13. I am also shocked to learn from the article that Elon gave 1 million dollars to swing state voters who endorsed Trump. What?! Here is a chilling quote from the article:

“Trump not only respects him, not only does he revere him, but Trump feels like he owes him. Add that up and it’s hard to imagine Musk writing a wish list that Trump won’t rubber stamp."

Secondly, the people will be seduced by religious and economic promises. My commentary interpreted this passage to mean that the AC seemingly survives a wound that appears to be a miracle. And because of the miraculous survival, people will believe that he is divine in some way. After this, his accomplice who does amazing, unbelievable things, like making fire come down from heaven, forces everyone to follow this man. I think we are about to see this happen.

Elon got up at a Trump rally and began by grabbing the bill of his black MAGA hat, with MAGA written in silver, jagged typeface, and said, "I am dark, gothic MAGA." A friend suggested that he was being funny, but if we grant him that, I guess I don't get the joke. 

How can believers align themselves so tightly, even daring to bring God's name and reputation into it, when such things are being said? Let's remember, America will cease to exist one day, and souls will be in heaven or hell. Jesus came to reveal the Father, so souls will be reconciled to him-but "dark, gothic MAGA?". No.

Fire From Heaven

I have been praying about the fire from heaven for some time now, not understanding what it could mean, and then I met someone who directed me to his sister-in-law who had insights into it. The woman, Heidi, pointed out that the rockets with their firery engines, return to earth as people cheer in awe of it all. That rang true to me, but what really convinced me that this is playing out was when I heard Trump rave about Elon's Dragon spaceship landing on earth... during his victory speech. He mentioned the fire a few times as he related watching the rocket descent to earth. People have campaigned, prophesied, fasted, prayed for the last four years for this moment, and he raves about Elon's brilliance and how amazing the fire was!? I think that's weird. 

Here is my point if it isn't painfully obvious by now: Trump survived the head wound. It made people double down on the idea that Trump is chosen and thus has divine power. Now, Elon has a fire breathing Dragon rocket ship placing satellites all over the globe, and he has joined forces with Trump. Gee, I wonder what could be happening. It's probably just a coincidence.

X: The Everything App, Straight out of China

Flans for "X": Banking Center and "Everything App"

The utility of X / Twitter as a super app does make some sense. It would be handy to have one single app in the US where you could read about anything going on in the world, message your friends to hang out, get some money from the bank, book a reservation at a restaurant, and then hail a car to get back home. (I’m sure Musk would want it to be a Tesla robotaxi!)

(from article; ref. below)

It would also be a handy way to monitor and control what, when, how, and IF people can buy and sell.  

The article goes on:

What does that mean in practice? Newly installed CEO Linda Yaccarino described...“X is the future state of unlimited interactivity – centered in audio, video, messaging, payments/banking – creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities... X will connect us all in ways we’re just beginning to imagine.”

Gosh that just reminds me of the supercomputer in Elon's favorite book, "Stranger in a Strange Land."  You know, the book that inspired him to create and name Grok. I explained his inspiration in a post that I made a few days ago if you are interested in that.

And even more concerning is the comparison that was made in this article:

Even before he officially took over the company, Musk was talking about turning Twitter into something like WeChat, the near-ubiquitous app in China that offers a bunch of services on top of social media. Many of Twitter’s product moves under Musk’s ownership have been steps in that direction, and there are hints that more are in the works.

What is it with Elon and dragons? They show up a lot in his inventions, in the book of Revelation, and in China, but it probably means nothing.

In the interview, Musk goes on to say that WeChat has everything rolled into one. They have all their media, banking, information, and advertising together in one handy dandy package that I am sure makes the United Nations, Bill Gates, and Klaus Cotton Schwab swoon. Elon points out that presently, this technology exists only in China, and he plans to bring it here.

Elon, there is a reason that it only exists in China. 

Satan doesn't walk up to you with horns and a pitchfork. He is too subtle for that. In reality, Satan slithers up dressed as a pastor who is just trying to help, or through an unsuspecting friend or family member who is just concerned for you, like Jesus's family when they tried to bring him home thinking he had lost his mind. I am sure they made some excellent points that were hard to resist, and 99% of what they had to say was true. 

Elon, too, says some wonderful things as well, and when you are afraid and needing something, like freedom, safety, or your old, comfortable way of life, it is very tempting to overlook important facts and information. Fear magnifies some facts over other facts, and strong desires (lusts) have a way of obliterating important information and understanding (wisdom).

Trump is announced that "a star is born," Musk names his companies after the mark of the Beast and draws his inspiration from an alien coming to earth and starting a one world religion not to mention super computers that have the answer to the world's problems. Oh, and that computer that inspired Elon's Grok? It just so happens that it does have an answer to the questions of our existence. The answer is the number 42, as in 42 months that the demonic duo reigns before Christ shuts them down (Rev 13) with the breath of his mouth. Elon has chips for our brains, power over the globe's satellites, control of our social media, and wants an ap that does everything-just like China, but we are just supposed to celebrate that he and Trump are God's divine gift to make America Great Again?

What am I missing?

When we read the themes in scripture, we see that these kinds of partnerships incur God's severe discipline. We see that he brings correction to His people to bring them back, not money and prosperity so we can careen into hell in first class leisure. God is not a suburban Dad standing on the driveway in his Buc's boxers with a Busch beer in his hand while his children play in the streets. The prophets say that Trump is the Cyrus, and since we have been told to listen to them (and not wait on God's Holy Spirit to lead us into the truth), we too have made a pact with death and hell, and we will reap the painful rewards so that we will return to God in spirit and in truth. God always disciples to restore his people.

In Isaiah 8, the prophet tells the people to not fear what the people fear, but to fear God alone. If we fear God, we need not fear anything else scripture says. Their fear of the conspiracy caused them to align with a godless leader, and the Lord disciplined them for it. The people of God did not align with King Cyrus. Unlike the spiritual/political obsession with a MAN that has watered down the pure faith in Christ, God saw fit to put it in his heart to help them to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. They did not follow and campaign and push King Cyrus as their help-that was God's doing. The people were turning back to God, seeking God, and loving Him, and God caused Cyrus to do His will. There is no comparison.


1. Here’s what Elon Musk wants to do with X, his ‘everything app’ - The Verge

 2. Fire From Heaven (do check out her info on Elon):

3. Lift off

Trump talking:

Bing Videos


4. What Trump's election win means for Tesla billionaire Elon Musk


HeidiFaith said…
Thank you so much for this. You have a gift. As I was reading, you spoke of things about Elon and China that I have never heard of. I want to look into this more because I have always kept the leaders name in the back of my mind, xi. I believe that is the only part of "his" name that has not come into play yet. Which obviously has to do with money. So the xi (three score, 60) is the logo for Elon's Supercomputer in Memphis, TN, it is the name of Chinas leader, and also in his son's name. Hope to talk with you soon. 🙏🌎👀🙏
Newness of Life said…
That is interesting re; Xi! All hiding in plain sight. Thanks for reading the post.

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