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The Two Eclipses Pointing to Trump and Tribulation

The Last Trump:

We are going into Trump's last term, and I believe that the connection to the "last trump" of 1 Corinthians 15:52 is not at all coincidental. 

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality."

The shofar blast is like an alarm clock that grows louder, and louder, and louder signaling the most significant event of all time fast approaching: the judgment of every soul on earth.  God, in His infinite mercy, is alerting everyone to the approaching danger. It signals one final, last call to hide in the shelter of the Rock, rejected by men, but precious to God, for by it, many a repentant sinner finds eternal protection under his shadow. God desires to show mercy.

So, the "last trump" is also the final, and longest shofar blast sounded on the Feast of Trumpets. It proceeds ten days of repentance culminating in Yom Kippur, (the Day of Atonement) for sin. 

I wonder, are you hearing it? Many say "I feel like something is coming" or "My alarm bells are going off." This is why. If you can reject the voice of doubt and reasonings that squelch that internal Voice, the One who walks in the garden of your heart with you, you will hear it too. In this hour of deception (Matthew 24), the strongest doubts will come through pastors, teachers, and prophets who are misled and afraid to offend their flock. Hirelings please people just like Saul did in the O.T. story, but true shepherds sacrifice their lives for the flock of God (John 10).

Remember, Satan comes for the word of God only, nothing else matters. Satan comes to steal the Lord God's voice in the garden of your heart. He will use good times or bad-it matters not, only that you relinquish the living word of God. So we must be vigilant, looking to God alone for our strength, watching and praying so that we can overcome the weakness of the flesh. God is our strength! Jesus showed us the way.  

The 10 Days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement are somber and reflective, during which one’s eternal fate is believed to be “sealed”.  It is said in Jewish tradition that books are opened on the day of Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets).  The righteous are written in the Book of Life, the wicked are written in the Book of Death, and those in limbo have ten days to repent before their fate is sealed in one book or the other. 


That last sentence really caught my attention! Yes, that is where we are right now. The final days to pick a side, to make a choice. The Rock of Christ, or the fallen, Adamic man/nature. The choice is yours, but time is very short.

Hear the explanation and feel the urgency as the "Shofar Man" explains the four blasts of the shofar. 

The two great eclipses that formed a large "X" over America, converging over a town known as "Little Egypt" seem to highlight DJT's presidency.  During his first term, he went out with a bang as he ushered us into "15 days to flatten the curve" submitting to global tyranny on a scale never seen before. We emerged from that time with the world upside down and on fire. Four years later, Israel is fighting a 7-front war, Putin is threatening to nuke the United States, congressmen are demanding the truth about UFO's threatening our country, and the United States is on the brink of Civil War. I could go on, but most already see the many signs coming to pass at lightning speed.

Now, what will his second term bring us, if we even make it that far? And what are the two eclipses signaling regarding his presidency?

The First and Second Eclipse:

The first eclipse crossed over America exactly seven months after Trump's first day in office. The second eclipse crossed over America exactly seven months before Trump was elected for his second, and last, term. 

The Last Trump. "The sound of the shofar (trump) is meant to stir the heart to fear, and to inspire repentance." (from 

Amos 3:6 "When the shofar is sounded in the city, don't the people tremble?"

The number of days between Trump and each eclipse is fascinating.  I looked into each number to determine the meaning in Strong's Concordance in Hebrew, and it's rather illuminating. God is a very interesting Being! I think He rather likes puzzles. I suppose parables are puzzles too. Check it out. 

1. The first eclipse took place 213 days after DJT's very first day in office on August 21, 2017.  It was 7 months and 1 day after that day on January 21, 2017 (first day in office). The number #213 in the Strong's Concordance is "uts" and is found ten times in the Hebrew Bible.

It means to press, to hurry, to advise, to counsel. 

Using the "law of firsts" that deems the first appearance in scripture to be significant, we find "uts" in Genesis:

At dawn the next morning the angels became insistent. “Hurry,” they said to Lot. “Take your wife and your two daughters who are here. Get out right now, or you will be swept away in the destruction of the city!” Gen 19:15

From BibleHub regarding the word:

The Hebrew verb "עוּץ" (uts) primarily means to give counsel or advice, often in the context of planning or devising a course of action. It conveys the idea of providing guidance or making plans with wisdom and foresight. This term is used in contexts where advice is sought or given, often implying a level of expertise or authority in the matter at hand.

2. The second eclipse took place 212 days before November 5, 2024 when DJT was elected to serve a second term as president. Trump was elected 6 months and 29 days after the eclipse on April 8, 2024. 

#212 in the Strong's Hebrew Concordance means "wheel" and is found 28 times in the O.T. I will get to the first appearance, which is noteworthy, but what leapt out at me was Isaiah 28, as this is a significant chapter for our times-as are many chapters in this prophetic book.

Isaiah 28 ends with a very powerful passage about how the Lord Himself will come to His threshing floor to thresh the various grains. We are told that God alone knows what each type of grain needs -some grains need a flail, and others a sharp instrument to separate the grain from the husk, or the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. On Biblehub, the commentator talks about how it is from the word "tribulum" where we get "tribulation." 

This is cherry picking, I know, but it is interesting that the word marking Trump's last term takes us to tribulation. 

The first appearance of this word is in Exodus, when the Lord God makes the wheels fall off of the chariots of Pharoh's army. This is interesting to me as I have come to understand that this story is also an end time parable.

He twistedb their chariot wheels, making their chariots difficult to drive. “Let’s get out of here—away from these Israelites!” the Egyptians shouted. “The LORD is fighting for them against Egypt!” Exodus 14:25

What does this mean? I don't know. What I do know, however, is that these eclipses point to Donald Trump's presidency. These eclipses are signs for those watching to tell us that something very, very significant is happening, and we should do what Jesus said to do in the last days. Watch and pray, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Take heed, he said. Beware, for their will be many false prophets, and many coming in his name, and we will be betrayed, and because of the increase in wickedness, the love of many will grow cold.

"And what I say to you, I say to all, watch!" Mark 13:37

 "So be on your guard, I have told you everything in advance." Mark 13:23

Take a listen:


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