The entire globe is held in the iron-clad grip of a global pandemic. This life altering virus has brought the world to a screeching halt as the earth reels under its cold, dark shadow. Recently, I began to really wonder about the name, Coronavirus. Where did it originate? Who named it? What I found was interesting. There may be more to the name of this virus than first meets the eye. Just like everything else about 2020 and beyond, one must look beneath the surface to understand.
The word corona is of Latin origin meaning “crown.” It was coined by a Spanish astronomer, Jose Joaguin
de Ferrer y Cafranga (1763-1818) who journeyed to New
York to observe a total solar eclipse in 1806. Due to its crown-like appearance, Jose named
the spikes of light appearing around the eclipsed sun, “corona.”
The first coronavirus was identified and named in 1968 by a team of 8 researchers at the Common Cold Clinic in Wiltshire, England. The researchers named the new virus, never before identified in humans, after the sun’s corona due to the club-like projections of the virus. (For people working at a place named after the common cold, that was quite a stretch. It's a little ironic too.)
(For a little context, at the time of the research in 1968 about 38% of all colds and flus were not yet identified and remained a mystery. This first coronavirus, heretofore seen only in animals, was part of the 38% of those mystery viruses.)
In a sense, it is a virus that has been crowned, a crowned virus, a coronavirus. Why associate a virus's name with such a powerful symbol? Also of great significance is that this crowned virus is named after a natural phenomenon that only appears during a total solar eclipse. The sun must be covered by the moon to see the sun's corona. (This little fact becomes important as we go on.)
Consider one of the descriptions of the
fourth beast kingdom from which the Antichrist will spring during the time of
the end. At the risk of mental whiplash, bear with me as we go a little deeper into the mystery of the name of this virus.
“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a
great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven
crowns upon his heads.” Rev 12:3
Seven crowns are upon the dragon's head. Coincidentally, this is the 7th named coronavirus since the virus was first identified in 1968. COVID-19 is the seventh coronavirus ever identified. (This is not to be confused with all of the many variants. Please see the references for more information.)
To be clear, I am not identifying the crowns on the heads of the dragons, only suggesting the name of this virus deserves a second look, and may hold some clues to the time and the season for which Jesus told us to be watchful. Crowns are indicative of power. Is this virus not paving the way for global tyranny? At minimum, is it not granting power to many? Unless you are a died-in-the- wool liberal, who God loves dearly by the way, I think the answer is quite clear.
To thicken the plot just a little, the sun’s corona is responsible for a phenomenon called “zodiac light.” Zodiac light is also known as a “false dawn." It appears in the dark sky just before dawn. The Antichrist's kingdom will rise immediately before the Messiah’s glorious kingdom rises upon the earth, which would mean a false dawn, the beast kingdom, immediately precedes the true dawn.
Could this false dawn kingdom be ushered in, even now, on the wings of COVID-19, which has brought the globe to its knees through lockdowns, social isolation, domestic violence, depression, addiction, death, poverty, and now, forced vaccinations? And we have yet to see the fallout from any of it.
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Rev 18: 23
The word sorceries in this verse is pharmakeia in the Greek text:
5331 pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts.
It could read, "For thy merchants are the great men of the earth, for by thy drug sorceries were all the nations deceived."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an extremely accomplished veteran healthcare lawyer and advocate for the disabled, claims that big pharma owns everything from politicians to every major news outlet, which is why we see all of those drug commercials telling us "talk to your doctor."
Kennedy also claims the CDC is wholly corrupted. He claims that their drug trials are junk science and compromised by financial interests. His job is to examine and challenge sound science in the court room. His warnings aught to be considered by thinking people. The fact that he is cancelled should make us sit up and pay attention.
Are we not being deceived by this vaccine and the vaccines to follow? It is clear that this is the agenda. If we want to continue to participate in society, we will have to take "the jab" eventually. Israel is already preparing the people for a shot every six months. And who started calling it the "the jab" anyways? The jab sounds crass and violent, probably because it is violent.
The coronavirus is ushering in world-wide modification of our DNA. I don’t care if it is just a little nip and tuck of the DNA, it’s altering the genetic code and tampering with the "temple of God" and God's perfect design.
Nothing could be more sacred.
When Jesus spoke of his death, he spoke of the temple. The people misunderstood thinking that Jesus was talking about the physical temple, not his body. Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again." We always see things along temporal, earthly lines when God is speaking of spiritual things.
It makes me wonder, could the vaccines, or the future "jabs" that will become the norm to participate in society, be a spiritual representation of the abomination that stands in the temple "where it should not be." Israel has always been a physical representation of a spiritual reality. I don't say this to deny that there may be an actual man who literally walks into the temple, but this prophesy may be pointing to a much more sinister, far-reaching spiritual reality than we have ever dared imagine.
Some of the scriptures pertaining to this abomination call for wisdom by saying, "let the reader understand." That phrase is telling us to pray and ask God about it, because it is not what it seems.
These vaccines will continue to modify the human body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. And we know that whoever destroys God's temple, God will destroy (1 Cor 3:17). God is serious about the human body. He designed us, and now the "great men of the earth," drunk on the wine of their billions, seek to tamper with His temple. That would be an abomination to God, an abomination that causes physical and spiritual desolation.
I am speculating, but what is clear is that the great men of the earth have decreed the next step. The crown virus has spoken. The decree has gone forth through the media. Kiss the hand and bow down. To refuse to bow down is to perish.
The nations are being deceived by their sorceries.
"Through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule." Daniel 8:25.
Harkening back to its namesake, just like the corona light of a solar eclipse, this crowned virus derives its only light from subjugating the sun’s light. Its power is in blighting out the light of the sun with dark secrets, craft, and deception.
"...and truth was thrown to the ground." Daniel 8:12
When was the last time that you heard truth spoken by a government official or any mainstream reporter? Truth is on the ground being trampled every day, and those who know the truth are by and large concealing what they know for fear of being persecuted, humiliated, and ostracized.
Just like the light of the sun's corona during a full solar eclipse, this crown virus has no light of its own, only darkness. The little
light is that which escapes the suffocating darkness that even now is attempting to cover up the sun's light and snuff it out. The sharp spikes of light that escapes the corona's edges are jabbing painfully into the life of every single person on the planet.
Could this virus be the false dawn that will usher in the true dawn of
Messiah’s return, and with Him peace on earth? Soon, we could see the One who is crowned with true power and glory, and every knee will bow to him, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Every tongue will confess, and even the great men of the earth will bow, and bow low.
It is interesting also to note the Revelations 12 sign:
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman
clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of
twelve stars and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to
be delivered of the man-child.” Rev 18
The woman, Israel, is clothed in the glory of the sun with
the moon under her feet. The sun is at her head, and the moon under her feet. Anything that is under our feet is something that we
have dominion over. She has glory, and she has dominion, but the
dragon awaits to destroy her child.
Just as in a solar eclipse, the moon will no longer be under her feet,
rather it is covering her glory. The final beast kingdom will conceal her glory like the
moon conceals the sun during an eclipse. He is not under her, but overpowering,
overshadowing, and overwhelming her.
Look at what is happening in Israel right now. It is a terrifying dystopia unfolding before our very eyes. Politicians from the
Knesset have organized to try to stop the carnage. One of the Knesset members posted a video in which she was literally crying out for help to stop the horrific things happening there. Truth and liberty are being thrown to the ground, and anyone who tries to stop it is being silenced. It’s as if the moon
is slowly covering up the sun and glory of Israel. We know it must happen, and
it will lead to her acceptance of Jesus at some future time, but right now the virus solar eclipse is slowly moving across the glory of Israel-and soon, if things continue as they are going, it will be totally dark.
Running parallel with the body of Christ, the shadow of the crowned virus will also attempt to cover over the glory of the body of Christ. We know it will fail miserably, because the furnace of affliction meant to destroy us will only purify our love and increase our longing for the long-awaited return of our Bridegroom Jesus.
We are not to fear, but we are to hear the sound of the shofar blast in the depths of our spirit beings. Can you hear it? I pray we all may hear it, and get ready. Jesus said to watch and pray that we may overcome and endure until the end. He is our strength, our fortress, our strong tower, and we can trust Him to keep us in this hour.
What do you think? Feel free to correct any obvious theological blunders. I will consider your feedback.
Radiant Israel - Medical Apartheid Green Pass implemented-... (
Wikipedia, The
Secret History Of The First Coronavirus (,
First coronavirus was described in The BMJ in 1965 | The BMJ:
June Almeida helped discover the first human coronavirus - Africa Check,