The events in the world are stirring up emotions, and passions,
anger, strife, hatred, fear, and confusion. Betrayal, accusations, rumors,
threats are coming quickly to destroy your faith and love and to steal the word
of the Lord in your hearts. Above all, guard your hearts! Hurt people hurt
people. If you are not watchful, you will give way to offense, fear, anger, and
the spirit of accusation. What I said to my disciples before I went to the
cross, I say to you, watch and pray, for the spirit is willing, but the flesh
is weak.
Words are spirit. Diligently guard your ears and
conversations and pay close attention to your thoughts and emotions in this
hour. Trust me to search your hearts and minds every day, for that is my job to
show you where sin is seeking to enter, or has taken root. It’s easier to keep
it out then it is to root it out, but I do both for you as you trust Me.
The enemy is very reasonable, or so it seem to your human
mind, but if you will be very watchful, and if you will submit your thoughts,
conversations, and emotions to me-I will keep you in my peace. Resist the enemy.
Confess any idea or thought that you know is not from Me, and I will give you
my thoughts and nature—Myself, My Spirit in you is the gift of righteousness
that can only come as you believe on Me, every day, in every circumstance. My
children, do you believe My word? Do you believe My promises, the redemption
that comes through my sacrifice? Only believe, and you will overcome!
When you fall, get back up. I always see you as innocent, if
you continue in faith in my Son’s precious and costly sacrifice. Never let the
enemy use your sin against you-for when he does he is causing you to deny Me!
Oh, this grieves Me. Have you ever given everything that you could give,
something that cost you everything, only to see it discarded? Please my heart
by believing on My Son so you may draw near to Me in full assurance of faith so
that I can transform you! I am the redeemer and no sin is greater than my
blood. Until you learn to stay in My love and humble yourselves and believe in
My gift of righteousness, once and for all, you will not grow into my image.
You can’t water a garden periodically and see it grow.
So be watchful. Be diligent. Confess sin quickly. You know
My nature! No unkind, annoyed, critical thought of your brother is of Me,
rather, it comes from the spirit of the world, the sin nature that I hate, and
that I destroyed its power over you on the cross. I say, resist in My power, by
faith. Consider yourselves dead to sin, no matter what, and you will see it
done in and through you, for it’s My gift, My promise. In the second Adam, your
new nature is as real as the old nature but you must keep believing My truth
and not what you see and experience. Faith first, then fruit, this is the new
covenant in my blood.
My children, be watchful! Understand the enemy is intent on
destroying your faith and defiling your love, your pure hearts. Get and keep
the flies out of the ointment. You will have trouble, but be of good cheer, for
I have overcome the spirit of this world, and I live in You, if you will
believe Me in every battle. Only those who believe on Me will have divine power
to overcome. Only believe.
The enemy wants you to look at yourselves, but you must
behold Me. As you pant and long and diligently seek My Face, I will keep
you-just as I promised. I am calling My people back to the simplicity of My Face,
for salvation is fellowship with Me. My love and mercies are unfailing and
never changing.
Remember! Memory of My wonderful works is your greatest
warfare. I perform works so that you will praise Me, and trust Me as you face
greater enemies, but Satan comes to steal, alter, and distort those precious
memories. Do not be like the Israelites who forgot my wonderful works so could
not trust Me in the hour of trial.
David showed you spiritual warfare. Sing and make melody in
your hearts to the Lord! (That is not just a good suggestion.) Sing and tell of
My wonderful works all day long. Sing of My faithfulness every morning, or do
you scroll on Facebook and wonder why you are afraid, angry, frustrated,
exhausted, provoked and confused?
Hear My word, and eat that which is good. Hear My now,
living word. Do not alter, change, or doubt anything I have spoken to you-guard
My word for your enemy wants you to forget it. He is subtle, so be watchful in My
power (by trusting Me!). My word is a seed that will grow if you will not turn
to the left or to the right, but go forward holding to it.
Remember, Stan always tampers with My word…this is the
leaven of religion. Beware! I told you to be very watchful of that leaven that
defiles you and destroys the power of My salvation! Man’s ideas, man’s
strength, man’s efforts dressed as God. Beware, a new form of legalism is
coming and will seem good in reaction to the moral darkness-it has no
redemptive power. Proclaiming righteousness becomes law without My power….the
righteousness that comes only by faith in My Son. This legalism, though
seemingly holding forth the light, will not save anyone.
You will have to trust My leading and promises when it
defies your reason and human inclinations. Esther prayed and I led her to
invite the Jew’s enemy to a lavish dinner with the King, something that would
seem to be the worst thing to do to the human mind, for she was showing honor
to Haman. Esther trusted My leading. This is true meekness-an absence of the
pride of trusting your reasoning abilities, and because of her faith and
obedience, I destroyed the enemy which was also a picture of Christ obeying Me
in meekness and I also destroyed that Haman AS He trusted Me in a plan that
went against human inclinations, reasons, and ways. My ways are so much higher than
your ways, My people. Will you trust Me as Esther did, as Jesus did? I will do
it in you.
Abandon your ways and hear the Lord in every trial, and you
will, in due time, see My glory!
Wait for it, wait, I say, on the Lord.