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Kentucky Derby Sign: Son of David Wins!


Honestly, I can't get enough of this race. It's just that glorious. I am not sure of the full meaning of this sign, but I do know that it points to His victory. 

The reason I even looked at this race was due to a dream that I had about it. The names around this horse, the numbers, and the whole story point to one thing: One day soon the Lord is going to break onto the scene in stunning glory!

First of all, the owner of this amazing horse that won against all odds (80:1) was a Christian-and that's just the beginning. The jockey's name is Sonny Leon, or "Son Lion" and the horse is owned by Rick Dawson, whose full name means, "Powerful Ruler, Son of David." But that's not all. The horse was trained by Eric Reed, which means "Ruddy Forever Ruler". 

Reed means "ruddy".

 "My Beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest of ten thousand." Songs 5:10

But this name has a few interpretations. The word "reed" in Strongs Hebrew is #7070. It is used 64 times and means a "stalk, reed, branches, calamus, rod, scale." It is used prominently to describe the branches of the first Menorah in the Tabernacle and as a measuring reed. It also means a fragrant reed, calamus.

Speaking of the Beloved, it says:

"Thy shoots are an orchard of pomegranates, with precious fruits; Henna with spikenard plants,14Spikenard and saffron, Calamus (aromatic reed) and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; Myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices." Songs 4:14

Reed is also found in the branches of the lampstands in the Tabernacle. 

"And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side..." Exodus 24:32

Then there are the numbers around this longest shot horse. We see not one, but two sets of the number 21 which comes to seven sevens. He was entered into the 21st position, so his number was 21, and he had 21 qualifying points to enter the derby (the lowest points of all the horses). (No one saw this one coming!) That means he was quite literally surrounded by 7,7,7,7,7,7 and....7! Seven sevens, or a total of 49. Perfect Rest?

Also, he was entered into the race 30 seconds before the deadline when Ethereal Road was scratched at the last minute. Of course, the number 30 has a lot of significance, but my sense is that it points to the 30 pieces of silver that Judas was paid to betray Jesus. The number thirty shows up again around Rich Strike in that he was purchased for a mere 30 thousand dollars. 

What is so remarkable about this race is how the commentator totally and completely overlooks the horse until he is literally crossing the finish line. Larry Collmus, who called the race, was evidently blind to him, even as Rich Strike was neck and neck with Epicenter (#3) and Zandon (#10). It wasn't until he pulled out ahead of Epicenter that Mr. Collmus says, "Woah and Rich Strike wins!" He mentioned the horse one time at the start of the race when he introduced the horses, and the second time was just as he was crossing the finish line! 

Won't the world be stunned when all of a sudden God breaks onto the scene? Isn't the seed of The Branch invisible and seemingly insignificant until it blooms into the largest tree? Won't a wicked and perverse world bet on any other horse than the Son of God?  And isn't the 6th seal that proceeds Christ's return marked by a trembling, shaking planet ("epicenter")?

 Epicenter (#3) was in the lead with Zandon (#10) close behind. Zandon got his name from an Elk hunter guide named Zandon. I don't know what significance an Elk has in the Bible, but I think this means something as well. My guess is that it may speak to the coming widespread persecution that Satan, who is furious at us, levels at the mature body of Christ just before Jesus's return (and what is upon us now.) We know that he will speak great things against God and wear down the saints for "an hour" before that great mountain comes crashing down out of heaven to destroy Satan's rule forever.  Hold fast that no man will take your crown!

The first video shows the view from above and these commentators are prophesying (although I am sure that they don't know it.) The one man says "...and from out of the clouds comes a lightning strike!"  Doesn't Jesus come with the clouds in blazing glory, and like lightening? 

The "great tribulation" spoken of in Matt 24, and Dan 12, is widespread, global persecution as the world turns against all that is of God as "that wicked" takes power. 

 It may look like we aren't even in the race as more and more tribulation comes upon the earth, but wait for it. Wait for Him. Be faithful. Hold fast, because one day, out of the clouds like lightening, we will look upon Him who we pierced. And He will cross that finish line, and the wicked with be judged, and the righteous rewarded, and the meek shall inherit the earth! 

Watch the full race and enjoy! (The first video is the view from above, and the second one is of Larry calling the race. That is a real treat. I have watched this over two dozen times and it never gets old.)


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