Mary only wanted to please the Lord, therefore she heard and believed the angel's words, and what was birthed in her was "utterly holy" (Living Translation). The Lord is overshadowing us by His Spirit, and those who will believe His word and forsake all else will birth things that are impossible with man. But it will come with a cost-it always does.
I dreamt of a pregnancy that was impossible, because the woman was well beyond child-bearing years. When God overshadows us, and we believe His word, and only His word, we will see the impossible in and through our lives-even "utterly holy" things that flesh cannot produce.
In this hour, darkness is rising. It is like when Jesus was about to be crucified, because the world hated the truth and loved the lie. Darkness and night are simply metaphors for deception, when sweet is called bitter, and bitter is called sweet and when the world will hate and even murder those who hear and love the truth. The crowds cried "Give us Barrabus" because it was night, and they loved not the truth.
And then there was Mary. Simeon. Ana. Simeon means "intelligent hearer" and "Ana" means above. Jesus heard from above because He loved God and sought to please Him-and it cost him everything because it was night, and evil reigned. But that is precisely when God does His greatest work!