I do not strive or labor for anything but to enter his rest. The rest of God is living by the power of the Spirit, not my own strength. Oh, this was such good news to me as a broken down, defeated, addicted Prodigal child! It is still the best news going for me, and for all who are poor in spirit. Back many years ago while searching the scripture for hope, I happened upon this verse: "And the law of the Spirit of Life has set me free from the law of sin and death." I was captivated by this scripture. The law of the Spirit? What is that? How do I get it? In it I saw a ray of hope that something greater than my wicked sin nature was at work in my life.
In Ephesians, Paul prays for the church, that they might be strengthened with might through the spirit in their inner man. Feeling my weakness and lack of late, I recently began studying this word again. The Holy Spirit has a way of taking us by the hand in our Bible reading and showing us new insights that bring freedom. This must be my day for learning more about this precious Spirit that indwells me by faith. Might in this passage means "forceful, power, strength." Paul is praying that this forceful, powerful, strong spirit would strengthen us. My strength is only to be found in this Spirit. In fact, it is the same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave.
To further elucidate this mighty Spirit, I turned to Isaiah 11 which speaks of the Messiah and the Spirit that rested upon him. This same mighty spirit is rendered "valiant, warrior, chief" in the Hebrew. I can work, labor, and strive in my strength, or I can be strengthened by that Spirit which indwells my inner man. This is a great place to stop and shout for joy!
This is the same spirit spoken of in Isaiah in a passage about the coming Messiah. "And the Spirit will rest on Him. The Spirit of knowledge, might...." I love this scripture because it speaks of the Messiah as a branch planted in the earth that brings this forth. He is the vine and we are his branches. As the sap of His Spirit indwells us by faith, we continue to flow of this mighty spirit into the earth and together we produce a big crop!
In Ephesians, Paul prays for the church, that they might be strengthened with might through the spirit in their inner man. Feeling my weakness and lack of late, I recently began studying this word again. The Holy Spirit has a way of taking us by the hand in our Bible reading and showing us new insights that bring freedom. This must be my day for learning more about this precious Spirit that indwells me by faith. Might in this passage means "forceful, power, strength." Paul is praying that this forceful, powerful, strong spirit would strengthen us. My strength is only to be found in this Spirit. In fact, it is the same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave.
To further elucidate this mighty Spirit, I turned to Isaiah 11 which speaks of the Messiah and the Spirit that rested upon him. This same mighty spirit is rendered "valiant, warrior, chief" in the Hebrew. I can work, labor, and strive in my strength, or I can be strengthened by that Spirit which indwells my inner man. This is a great place to stop and shout for joy!
This is the same spirit spoken of in Isaiah in a passage about the coming Messiah. "And the Spirit will rest on Him. The Spirit of knowledge, might...." I love this scripture because it speaks of the Messiah as a branch planted in the earth that brings this forth. He is the vine and we are his branches. As the sap of His Spirit indwells us by faith, we continue to flow of this mighty spirit into the earth and together we produce a big crop!