(Still writing this) Words given to me earlier that are also a part of what is happening right now!)
Ezekiel 16. God speaks of finding Israel like a baby kicking on the roadside, and He takes her home and puts a dress on her, ornaments, etc., and she commits adultery. I felt the Holy Spirit strongly on this passage, that we were "full of bread" and pride and forgot where God found us, and even used his gifts, talents, and callings to commit spiritual adultery with the world. These were deep sins of the heart, not detectible to others necessarily.
This verse was heavy on my spirit too:
Isaiah 48:17-18
Thus says the LORD your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you for your benefit, who directs you in the way you should go. 18If only you had paid attention to My commandments, your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like waves of the sea.
5. He is taking His Spirit off of the "Sauls" and placing it on the "David's". He spoke to me out of the scripture where Saul fails to speak something because he said, "I feared the people." 1 Samuel 15:24
Many move in this spirit (fear of man-me included) and he was about to remove His Spirit from them as He did with Saul. These "Davids" walk in the revelation that David had through experiencing God's mighty delivering hand: they know that the battle is the Lords, and they will lead the church in this hour. They have pure hearts (just want to please the Lord.)
They refused the amor of Saul opting instead to believe the Lord's word. Many are unknown and on the backside of the mountain, but God is about to move in and through them to raise up that candlestick.
I want to add that this word about Saul and David was the most intense and powerful word the Lord has ever spoken to me. He literally swept me off of my feet.
6. The "matrix" is going to become more deceptive this year. Those are just my words to capture the idea. We will not be able to trust what we see and hear and reason in the natural realm, but will have to trust the word of the Lord, and what the Holy Spirit gives light/understanding-otherwise we will be deceived.
This is why we are talking so much about the armor of God, and being vigilant and watchful.
7. Obedience to the Lord's will is going to become much more costly. We are being purified, refined, and qualified in this hour.
8.The Feast of Tabernacles is Coming!
I want to end on the encouraging note. Just last week on the night of January 18, I dreamt of a woman playing the piano. She looked over her shoulder towards me and said, "The Feast of Tabernacles is coming!" and I said, "I am going to open my mouth wide for the Feast of Tabernacles!" I had gotten Psalm 118 in a dream a few weeks ago which talks about Israel's salvation and the coming Millenium. It mentions the Feast of Tabernacles. However, until my dream on the 18th, I wasn't focusing on the feast in that passage but it's right there!
My friend noted I dreamt it on 1/18 as another sign (Psalm 118).
It's the Ephesians 4 temple built up with each living stone doing its part as God intended, and filled with God's Spirit. But the fleshly church that did not build on God's foundation well will stand against it. The flesh always resists the Spirit of God.
I submit these words to your discernment and prayer, as well as this powerful word from Josiah Bennet. He is a pastor with Terry Bennet.
I don't follow them or listen often so can't vouch for the ministry as a whole, but what I have heard is always good.
Give it a listen!
This is from Messengers of Shiloh website, "Recent Messages" by Josiah Bennet
The Candlestick Vision `1/16/25
God Bless You!