Peter says that fiery trials refine our faith, but how? Because the believer who is cleaving to God's presence and word will always, always, ALWAYS see Jesus in the midst of the fire. When we emerge with the tinge of heaven wafting from our war-tattered garments, we have yet another story of God's glory. Then, after we see Him and know Him better, we have the task of remembering all that He did, and in doing so we go from faith to greater glory, to more faith, and even greater glory as the foundation of our spiritual house becomes stronger and firmer and deeper in the love of God.
Here is a little exercise to keep God's miracles fresh in our hearts. David took time daily to remember all that God had done in his life. Slowly go through various trials where God showed up and note how He had to perform each detail to bring it to pass. "Lord, you were the one who prompted Sarah to call me about the job when I returned from my mission's trip. Lord, you were the one who caused Dave to reach out just when I had asked for help. You brought the woman who told me about that school that changed my life. You had to lead me to that exact person to have that exact conversation that led to etc., etc., etc." My faith just expands and grows as I slow down and take the time to chew on all of His mighty acts in my life. When brain cells are not used, they lose their synaptic connections and will eventually die out. Remembering will keep our memory neurons in tip top shape, and the Spirit of God will bath our hearts in the oil of His love as we take time to remember.
Jesus rebuked his disciples for their lack of faith when they forgot about the two miracles where he multiplied the bread. He said, "Do you still not understand?" Remembering in the presence of the Lord helps us to understand who we are and who God is in His Holy Place. God's miracles are up to Him, but remembering them is up to us. One is life, and the other is death. One is glory, and the other is pride.
May God grace us with spiritual might to remember every single thing that He has done for us, in us, and through us. May we take great delight as we sit under that warm, strong shade of His love that we may grow the peaceable fruit of righteousness to share with many!