(still editing this but I am going to leave it on the blog while I'm working...may want to check back later)
I am chewing the word and promises for physical healing. Sharing some notes regarding what the Lord is teaching me:
Remember, when you look to your symptoms, that God calls those things that are not, as though they are, and He raises the dead. So don’t be frightened or put off by pain in your body, because His word raises the dead. Lord, make me like a child so I can enter into your Kingdom in the area of healing.
I just realized I keep having a thought rooting around inside my heart, trying to not be discovered in the bright light of truth. "Well, how is your love walk?" Well, quite frankly it's not even close to where He is going to take me. I must seek that too, but I am not being like a child when I let shortcoming hinder my trust in the free gift of healing. Children expect to be fed even when they are still learning good behavior. In the same way, God wants to meet our needs even as we are in formation.
My love walk cannot be a qualification for accepting that which God gives freely in Christ. (However, faith grows in a pure heart, and the weeds of offense will choke faith but that is not what I am talking about here). The thought off my weakness is like a bucket of water dousing the little spark of faith growing in my heart as I study the word. The war is on!
The Lord brought me to this verse last week, and He showed me some powerful things that blew upon those embers of faith.
“And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungered, he,
and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God in the days of
Abiather the high priest, and did eat the showbread, which is not lawful to eat
but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? And he said
unto them, the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore
the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.”
Abiather means, “father of abundance” and He is. David, in childlike faith, went boldly into the sacred Holy Place, for our Father's house is overflowing with abundant provision for His children. If we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much MORE does God? Jesus was saying that God's love is exceedingly above any human love that we may know in this fallen realm. We should chew on that truth more.
But David saw God's provision, and trusted His mercy and goodness. God is so maligned and misunderstood, that David's boldness and faith to enter into the Holy of Holies in his time of need must have thrilled His Father's heart. Oh, my son! He knows Me! He trusts My heart. He came to ME for help.
I really believe that the most tragic aspect of man's fall was that we could not see God for who He really was (is). They viewed God with suspicion, and all sin flowed from the lack of true knowledge of God, and it must have broken His bountiful heart! All abusers who want control lie to separate their victims of loved ones, just like Satan did to Adam and Eve. They are bad! Your friends are weird! Leave them and give me total control. But we grieve when our loved ones don't trust us, especially when they are our children, because it creates division in our relationship.
David understood it was all a gift. He knew the Father so well.
Man’s religion demands something from us first, because it cannot comprehend God. This is why Jesus was so blown away by those who showed great faith; he was amazed that they understood God so well. Man is made for the sabbath, not the sabbath for man. The leaven of religion keeps men from entering into the free gift of God, for healing, deliverance, or any aspect of salvation. Once again, Jesus was rebuking the religious, and showing them that His presence, His life, was to be freely
consumed. Jesus was revealing the Father.
Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Is 55:2
Works flow from this place of receiving the free gift of God, but works will never secure this divine life. The difference is life and death. Jesus said only those who are like children will ever enter into the kingdom of heaven, and children don't look to their own resources. A healthy, loved child never looks to himself, but only to his loving parents. Children are virtually totally unconscious of themselves; they think only of their care givers providing everything for them!
But note that the belief systems of the religious will
always find ways to keep you from partaking of the bread of Christ-always. This
poisonous leaven presents itself in various wrong-headed beliefs that we subtly
acquire in the presence of religious spirits, and doctrines of demons (they
sell so many books!) These methods subtly mix gospel truths with just a tad of error-just enough to render His cross powerless-and you never even know it was slipped into the shewbread.
Examples: There is something that you first must do to earn it. You need to think of others first. You need to close some door first even though you don't know what it is. You are sent on a wild goose chase into your family history, and until the mystery sin is discovered, you can't receive. Nothing is happening. You must be doing something wrong. (That alone has made many a teacher and author rich). The long silence between the promise and its realization is the womb of almost every false doctrine. These things are very often great gospel truths, but they are misapplied when connected to receiving from the Lord. A truth that is misplaced or misapplied is deception. We all need sleep, but if all we ever talk about is that we need rest, we are in deception. That was bad analogy!
(This was spoken to my own heart.) What you
need is to sit down like a child and eat. Partake. Consume. Fill your empty
soul, and then and only then, will you be able to share it with the others. You,
yourself, need to be satisfied first. Put your mask on first, as they say on the
airplane (for air…that mask) then and only then are you safe to help someone
Religion says to think of others first, and then you will meet the qualifications to eat of the bread, and Jesus weeps. Can we see what a slap in God’s face this is? Jesus suffered greatly to provide all that we need, but somehow, it isn't enough. I am looking to myself to qualify for the bread. One time as I was driving and praying for Dad's healing from cancer, the Spirit of God came on me so strong with weeping that I had to pull off of the highway. In that time, I felt His grief over what He showed me was a spirit of unbelief in the church. For all of the claims of faith, there is a big spirit of unbelief. He showed how he suffered for our healing, and how He longs for us to receive healing as little children. The price has been paid and we cannot add anything to it.
Christ did not suffer so we could refuse his sacrifice. He suffered so we
would “eat” his body, but we won’t allow ourselves because we must work for it,
so we stay out in the field, tired, not satisfied, and maybe a little
bitter-and Satan laughs, because it was the church that taught us to do it.
You must be like a child to enter into His Kingdom. Father, forgive us for entertaining doubt. Forgive us for looking at our own righteousness instead of your gift. As if we could ever quality! How blind we are Lord. Most of all, forgive us for not trusting your love. Lord, Satan is coming after the physical body of Christ on earth with all kinds of sickness and disease. Give us eyes to see You. Reveal your healing covenant so we may be made whole. Amen.
Addendum: I dreamt of a word last night and the Hebrew word took me to this verse in Exodus about the table of shewbread! Just read this from a commentary. I'll be studying it further but want to tag it on right here.
25:23-30 A table was to be made of wood, overlaid with gold, to stand in the outer tabernacle, to be always furnished with the shew-bread. This table, with the articles on it, and its use, seems to typify the communion which the Lord holds with his redeemed people in his ordinances, the provisions of his house, the feasts they are favoured with. Also the food for their souls, which they always find when they hunger after it; and the delight he takes in their persons and services, as presented before him in Christ.