Oh my heart is indicting a wonderful matter! The love of
God, the life of God! Jesus taking my sinful life into himself for me for one
thing, and one thing only-that He might give me his life, which is by the “operation
of God”, that resurrected life clothed in His glory and His righteousness. Oh the sweetness, the charity, the
brightness, the joy and goodness of that divine life.
“Oh Holy flame of love, alighted on the lowly pure in heart!
God has infinite treasure to bestow, and we settle for less…we hinder God, and
stop the current of His graces, But He finds a soul with lively faith, He pours
into it graces and favors plentifully; there they flow like a torrent which…spreads itself with impetuosity
and abundance.” –unknown author
Jesus showed us the way and told us to guard out hearts by resisting
all pride, not judging others, being quick to forgive, refraining from all
accusation, and by doing these things we keep our hearts in the love of God
where we may experience His peace and rest for our souls.
Oh to be pure in heart, to look out upon others and see
nothing unkind or unlovely in their motives is a heart that can see God. To be
pure in heart and desire one thing, and one thing only- to love God, to know
God, and to please Him. The pure in heart shall see God. God spoke to Moses
face to face, and of John the Baptist it was said that he was great in the eyes
of God. Moses was the meekest man on earth, and John the Baptist was wholly
untainted from the love of the world.
The love of God purifies the heart completely, for when we
see Him as He is, all else is vanity; the praise of man, wealth, power-none of
it can compare. The pure in heart do not struggle with such things for they
hold no allure for them.
The heart that see’s God has one desire only, to continue to
be permitted to gaze upon His beauty. Truth sets us free from all idols and
lesser loves until all is swallowed up in Him.
The pure in heart desire to be great in the eyes of God
alone, and desire glory for God alone. The pure in heart will be quick to look
inside and repent of sin and will never perceive sin in the heart of others.
The pure in heart see the vanity of the praise of men and know that it is
utterly worthless.
Father, if we may have but one glance of your beauty and loveliness
we shall be ruined for all that man values, seeks, and loves. All that we
desire is wrapped up in your beauty God. All that we long for is met in one
glance of your eye My King. To you and you alone we look Father. We open our
mouths wide unto you and turn from every other deceitful love and desire for
you give us honey from the rock and quiet us with you love.
Burn Oh flame of
fire! Burn out the dross and purify us into molten gold and forge us into golden
vessels that may contain the new wine of you power and love!
“Burn In me, burn in me, let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn
in me!”
“Seek Me and you shall find Me, if you seek for Me with all
of your heart.”