Have you ever been in a situation where you had an "aha" moment, a moment in which things became clear- and it changed everything? Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." If we do not have the truth, what do we have? While Jesus referred to himself as the Truth, he also made mention, (not honorable), of an enemy in whom there is no truth. This enemy's name is Satan, meaning Destroyer - and he destroys with his lies.
The Destroyer has many titles, none of which are overly flattering. Jesus called him the Deceiver, a Liar, and the Father of Lies, among other things. He made it crystal clear that if Satan's lips are moving, you can bet he is lying. While people may lie for a variety of reasons, Satan's lies have one singular purpose: to steal and to destroy. This truth is made clear when Jesus contrasts their personal mission statements in John 10:10: "The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus's lips only speak truth that brings us abundant life-joy, peace, love, righteousness etc. Through deception, Satan comes along to snatch that life right our of hands.
His tactics all have one thing in common, and that is human reasoning. Human reasoning is based upon the appearance of things that come through other's words, past and present experience, media, and our five senses. Here are just a few examples: It may seem that the claws of addiction will never be loosed, but the truth is that Jesus came to set captives free! It may seem that God is cold and remote, but the truth is that His thoughts toward us are like the sand of the sea! It may seem that a certain situation is hopeless, but the truth is that all things are possible with God. It may seem as if giving into temptation will bring fulfillment, but the truth is that it will steal our joy.
So while we do have to contend with the Liar who goes about roaring like a lion, we can take comfort in the knowledge that he is totally defanged and declawed. C.S. Lewis wrote that Satan is actually so pathetic that someday when we see him on the other side of eternity we will be shocked that it was him who caused all of that trouble. His only weapon of mass destruction is to lie to us about who we are; lie about who God is; and lie about what will bring us true joy. The truth can be found upon the lips of our Savior. His words are words of life. He tells us to "fear not little flock. It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." He guides and protects us with loving watchfulness. It may not always seem true, but it is the truth.