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Hound of Heaven


The heart is the instrument through which we perceive and know God. The Holy Spirit of God is love. He is seeking hearts where He feels at home, where there is love, where love is honored. What do you desire? What do you seek? Seek me, says the Holy Spirit. Seek God.

I am not half-hearted in my desire for you. I am not cold, withdrawn, or casual as you may imagine. There is no greater passion in the universe than my love for you. My Love is inconceivable because it is Holy; it is so different that you are quite unable to comprehend my love. I brood over the earth, I brood over mankind. I search the earth for hearts that are open to me. This is the rest of God, to find a heart that is fully mine, on that one I will rush down upon with sweet, joyous abandon.

Pray that you will have eyes to see it! My love is expressed all over the earth, through all of my dealings with man, but your eyes are blinded to it. My desire has been to commune with man, to have relationship with man. The Holy Spirit rushed into man after the cross washed you of your sin. I took the punishment of your sin, so that we could have close, intimate relationship.

I am the Lover in Song of Solomon. I have the heart of the deer, tender and entreating you to come away. As the Lover secretly regards His beloved behind the lattice, so too I secretly examine you. I am peering into your heart, into your affections, searching the deep places. I teach you and give you a greater measure of my spirit, and then I watch to see if you will love me and walk in my truth. I am searching your heart for love, commitment, faithfulness, surrender.

Know that there is nothing as important to me as your heart, your affections. Watch over your heart with all diligence, because it is the instrument through which you shall see me. Idolatrous hearts cannot see Me, but only the pure in heart, hearts cleansed from every other love and affection. If you will seek me, I will draw closer and closer to you as you honor me, and give me place. Never grieve my Spirit, never quench me. Though your selfish inclinations will be tested, if you surrender yourself to me, you will never know a greater joy, a greater peace, a greater sense of fullness. Your carnal mind cannot percieve that I am the way to be satisfied, so it must be crucified with Christ; it was crucified with Christ! Walk in this truth and live unto Me!

What your earthly mind cannot understand is that I am vulnerable to you, to your turning away from me, to your disobedience. Your actions, or neglect of me causes me to sorrow. I do not guard and shield my spirit from pain as you do with other people. I allow my Spirit to feel slighted and rejected,. I feel real pain, just as Jesus did during his time on earth. He did not shield his heart from the pain of unrequited love. He cried out, “Oh Jerusalem, how I have longed to gather you under my wings, but you would not.” Open your eyes to the longing of my love. Do not be afraid to see it. I have given myself to you fully and completely. Yes, I give myself to you. Give yourself to me. It is my passion to have you as mine. I am yours, now be mine, oh, be mine. Do you not see that in Christ, in sending you the GIFT of my precious Holy Spirit, that all of my love is for you, that your God stretches out his arms to you?

You imagine that my love and affection for you is far off, or somehow clouded by my anger but it is not. Or you imagine that I am just a little indifferent, because you imagine me to be as you. I am not. My love is a passionate flame, a fire that is unquenchable. Love, real love, cannot be quenched. I am unrelenting love.

My love covers, protects, shields, redeems, restores. Pray that you can see it. Pray that you will know it. You can be as intimate with me as you desire to be. Our relationship is limited by your coldness, by your disobedience, by your indifference, by your coming and going. Only remain in this entwined state with me and our relationship will grow, and will see Me as I am.


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