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Showing posts from January, 2023

Kentucky Derby Sign: Son of David Wins!

  Honestly, I can't get enough of this race. It's just that glorious. I am not sure of the full meaning of this sign, but I do know that it points to His victory.  The reason I even looked at this race was due to a dream that I had about it. The names around this horse, the numbers, and the whole story point to one thing: One day soon the Lord is going to break onto the scene in stunning glory! First of all, the owner of this amazing horse that won against all odds (80:1) was a Christian-and that's just the beginning. The jockey's name is Sonny Leon, or "Son Lion" and the horse is owned by Rick Dawson, whose full name means, "Powerful Ruler, Son of David." But that's not all. The horse was trained by Eric Reed, which means "Ruddy Forever Ruler".  Reed means "ruddy".  "My Beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest of ten thousand." Songs 5:10 But this name has a few interpretations. The word "reed" in Strongs ...

More on God Overshadowing Us, and Darkness Rising

  These aren't the most perfectly written blogs, but I feel an urgency to share them quickly, so please overlook my mistakes. Last night I dreamt that I was pregnant, and then I began saying hey I can’t be pregnant because I am way beyond child-bearing years. I was feeling disappointed. Then this morning in faith I open to Luke 1 and began reading about Zacharias and Mary. I noticed how Mary questioned the angel as to how the impossible promise would come to pass since she was a virgin. What leapt out to me was the “how” of this passage. The how is the most important thing, for it directs our faith eyes to God who accomplished the impossible through His Holy Spirit. In Christ, we have all things when we have the Spirit of the Lord! Praise God! Where have you heard the word of the Lord and the promise of God and said, “Lord, that is impossible?” This filled me with such joy, for Jesus said that it is His Father’s good pleasure to give us the Holy Spirit who gives us His Kingdom!...

God Is Overshadowing His Bride

 Mary only wanted to please the Lord, therefore she heard and believed the angel's words, and what was birthed in her was "utterly holy" (Living Translation). The Lord is overshadowing us by His Spirit, and those who will believe His word and forsake all else will birth things that are impossible with man. But it will come with a cost-it always does.  I dreamt of a pregnancy that was impossible, because the woman was well beyond child-bearing years. When God overshadows us, and we believe His word, and only His word, we will see the impossible in and through our lives-even "utterly holy" things that flesh cannot produce.  In this hour, darkness is rising. It is like when Jesus was about to be crucified, because the world hated the truth and loved the lie. Darkness and night are simply metaphors for deception, when sweet is called bitter, and bitter is called sweet and when the world will hate and even murder those who hear and love the truth. The crowds cried ...