Honestly, I can't get enough of this race. It's just that glorious. I am not sure of the full meaning of this sign, but I do know that it points to His victory. The reason I even looked at this race was due to a dream that I had about it. The names around this horse, the numbers, and the whole story point to one thing: One day soon the Lord is going to break onto the scene in stunning glory! First of all, the owner of this amazing horse that won against all odds (80:1) was a Christian-and that's just the beginning. The jockey's name is Sonny Leon, or "Son Lion" and the horse is owned by Rick Dawson, whose full name means, "Powerful Ruler, Son of David." But that's not all. The horse was trained by Eric Reed, which means "Ruddy Forever Ruler". Reed means "ruddy". "My Beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest of ten thousand." Songs 5:10 But this name has a few interpretations. The word "reed" in Strongs ...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.