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Showing posts from June, 2014

Why Seeing My Sin Is A Good Thing

 When I was a young believer, full of self-confidence (because I didn't know any better), I often considered how I was "doing". When I looked inward, I hoped to find that I was doing good. If I came up short, I cringed and vowed to do better next time. Anxiety would grip me. Self loathing was not far behind that anxiety. I am so bad. I should know better! If I did better, I felt better about myself. If I did poorly, I felt awful. I actually thought I could change with God's "help" although in truth it was all about me. After God pulled out of a pit of my own making, I see things much differently. Because I have looked into the fullness of His grace. I know better than to look inward to find any good. That's like going to the circus to hear Pavarotti sing. At the circus I will see dirt, smell feces, and maybe see a cool high wire act, but Luciano I will not see.  It's a terrible analogy, but in the same way it is futile t...

He Desires Mercy

I used to believe that in order to be close to God, I had to carry out my Christian duties and fulfill all of the scriptures. But this was so futile! When I became aware of being successful, I felt good about myself. In essence, God was now in debt to me for doing so "well" although I would not have admitted that consciously. If I failed, I got down on myself and vowed to try harder. O wretched man! I eventually came to the place where I could not go on like this. I was tired and gave up. Yesterday the Lord spoke to heart about this period in my life, my backsliding. He whispered to my heart that if I had understood His love and willingness to show mercy, as many times as needed, I would never have fallen away. He showed me that I did not run to him, so HE COULD NOT GET TO ME. I did not confess immediately to Him. I did not confess to another. I did not look to Him. I hid. I beat myself up. I felt I should have done better. Oh the freedom that came when he showed me that I ...

Jesus Cleaves To Us

Which, incidentally, brings me to what I originally started to blog about. The passage that struck me in a new way was in the book of Corinthians I think. I can't recall the book right now. Anyways, it is the passage where Paul is giving instruction to the church on love, family and marriage. He explains that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, even as Christ cleaves to the church. I have read this passage many times before, but I had never noticed how the writer pauses and briefly notes that he is “speaking a mystery". He pauses to point out that he is actually referring to Christ and the church, a divine mystery. Just as Jesus left his Heavenly Father and home and cleaves to the church, his bride, so to a man will leave his parents to cleave to his wife. What an awesome picture and truth! Jesus cleaves to us, which means to hold fast to us. The word evokes the idea of wrapping around and enveloping another. Another picture of cleaving is in ...

He Longs for Your Love

“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think that Scripture says without reason that the Spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? But he give us more grace.” James 4:4-6 I work with couples in a counseling setting and sadly I am often party to witnessing betrayal.    The shock, disbelief, anger, and sorrow of learning that a spouse has turned his heart towards another love is heart breaking. The offending spouse sometimes protests that he or she loves the betrayed, but the betrayed knows better. Given our human response to betrayal, should we be surprised to know that the Lover of our souls may experience betrayal when we turn our affections from Him? He loves like no other. Scripture says that He loves so intensely that the Spirit he made to live in us actually yearns jealously. He longs for all of ou...

Guard Your Heart

I think of my heart, my affections and desires, as a sort of throne. What sits on that throne determines everything. The more I counsel people, the more I believe that our hearts desires, or false desires, dictate our happiness, peace, and joy. Our hearts were made to know and experience the love of God. In his heart alone am I at total rest. But the desires of the world, the antithesis of God's kingdom, call to us and promise to fill the aching for God. My heart is holy. It is a sanctuary that must be guarded vigilantly. How easily I begin seeking other things, things outside of God and His perfect, beautiful will for me! We are told that God's eyes roam over the earth, searching for a heart that is perfect towards Him. Perfect hearts are hearts that know only God can truly satisfy. This is heart purity and the pure in heart alone shall see God.

Jesus's Thing for Filling Things..

I just noticed today that Jesus had a thing about filling things. He went around filling things in the most extravagant way.  His first miracle was to take clay pots and fill them with the best wine. In the Greek, the word that was used means to "fill entirely". Scripture says they were filled "to the brim", and with really, really good wine. Yep, his coming out miracle suggests that He likes to fill things, clay pots (me and you!), with good wine. Sign me up! Then he multiplied the bread and filled their hungry bellies. Again, the word here means "to gorge, to satisfy". In this miracle Jesus draws the connection between the symbolism and the reality. He observes that full bellies are good, but full spirits are even better. He kind of says, come and get it. I'm that bread. You are that belly. Let me fill you. And there he goes again, filling things. Then before Jesus left earth, he told his disciples to wait to be filled with the Holy Spirit. See what ...

Spirit of Might

I do not strive or labor for anything but to enter his rest. The rest of God is living by the power of the Spirit, not my own strength. Oh, this was such good news to me as a broken down, defeated, addicted Prodigal child! It is still the best news going for me, and for all who are poor in spirit. Back many years ago while searching the scripture for hope, I happened upon this verse: "And the law of the Spirit of Life has set me free from the law of sin and death." I was captivated by this scripture. The law of the Spirit? What is that? How do I get it? In it I saw a ray of hope that something greater than my wicked sin nature was at work in my life. In Ephesians, Paul prays for the church, that they might be strengthened with might through the spirit in their inner man. Feeling my weakness and lack of late, I recently began studying this word again. The Holy Spirit has a way of taking us by the hand in our Bible reading and showing us new insights that bring freedom. This ...