When I was a young believer, full of self-confidence (because I didn't know any better), I often considered how I was "doing". When I looked inward, I hoped to find that I was doing good. If I came up short, I cringed and vowed to do better next time. Anxiety would grip me. Self loathing was not far behind that anxiety. I am so bad. I should know better! If I did better, I felt better about myself. If I did poorly, I felt awful. I actually thought I could change with God's "help" although in truth it was all about me. After God pulled out of a pit of my own making, I see things much differently. Because I have looked into the fullness of His grace. I know better than to look inward to find any good. That's like going to the circus to hear Pavarotti sing. At the circus I will see dirt, smell feces, and maybe see a cool high wire act, but Luciano I will not see. It's a terrible analogy, but in the same way it is futile t...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.