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Venting Post- I Don't Understand


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I just don't understand how more people, especially Christian leaders, aren't sitting up and observing the Trump/Musk team with a wary eye?  Over the last several years I went from being upset aboutTrump being our candidate, to loving Trump in 2016, to thinking that Trump will lead us to follow the Antichrist, to thinking Trump is the Antichrist, to feeling certain that Trump  or Elon Musk is absolutely the Antichrist... and does it really matter who is who? Which one is the AC and which one is the false prophet who makes the image to the beast and requires everyone to follow him?  I mean, they go together like a hand in the glove, and one cannot prevail without the other, so does it even matter? But why aren't more people hearing the alarm that has been sounding louder and louder in the spirit until its almost deafening? 

How is it that these events, following on 2020, that first, long blast of the shofar in the spirit, are not sparking more concern? It hit me hard this morning that Jesus warned us that the deception would come from inside of the church in the last days-but Christians seem to think that if a pastor, leader, or prophet claims Christ, we should not stand against anything that they say or do, or that will destroy unity. As I wrote in other posts, that is a perversion of unity. Scripture teaches quite the opposite, in fact, that we are to call out false doctrine and identify false teachers else the wolves will destroy the sheep. 

We know that a leader will arise on the global stage who will forge and "strengthen" a peace deal between Israel and its Middle Eastern neighbors. We know that his side kick will "make fire come down from heaven" in the sight of the beast, and that he will enforce some kind of economic system that includes a physical mark of some kind (albeit spiritual as well.) 

Thanks to Heidi, a woman who identified this event, this scripture appears to be fulfilled. Elon Musk is absolutely causing fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men, and in the sight of the Beast, and if I had any doubts about this they were dissolved by two recent events. The first was Trump coming onto stage and talking about Elon more than anyone else in his celebratory speech. What!? You going on and on talking about his brilliance and marveling at the "fire" coming down from the sky as his rocket ship descends to the earth? He actually talked about the fire. Then, Trump accompanied Elon to a rocket launch. He literally stood with Elon and the cheering crowds in awe of Elon's rocket ship blasting off and returning to earth with fire blasting from its engines.

Do I even have to explain the things that Elon is developing right now that fit these descriptions, and yet who is warning the people?! As a good friend pointed out, people are deceived because the most powerful voices in Christianity are deceived.  Consider the strength and faith that were required of Jesus to stand against his own religious leadership and hold fast to what he heard from the Father in the very same scriptures that they claimed to know more than anyone else?  Jesus scolded them for having poor judgment because they could not discern truth at all. Why? Because they loved their positions and the praise of men more than they loved God, therefore, he said, they were in darkness. Saul made the same mistake when he spoke out of fear of displeasing people, and God took his spirit from him and put it upon someone who loved Him more than man's approval.

God reveals to babies. He teaches those who truly love him more than anything else. 

There are so many things that I don't understand and are just really hard to accept right now, and yet, I know that this fiery trial is just beginning. It is just starting. I have so many questions. How is it that Elon Musk just slid into home base with Trump as he was on his last lap to the White House? It reminds me of those ads on the internet that snag you with a lower price only to jack it up on the last screen after you are already invested in the product. By that point, you can't let it go so you just pay the higher price. And what a high price we will pay. Isaiah's prophesies are fast coming to fulfillment as all truth and decency has gone out the window..."truth is fallen in the streets". The people look for justice and righteousness but find lies, slander, and deception, and those who speak the truth become prey. 

Regardless, once Musk popped out onto the stage like an evil "dark, gothic MAGA" Jack in the Box, it was too late. He was the savior of the U.S, Israel and possibly, the world itself if you believe what they are saying. Now, no matter what Trump does, he will be followed. He will be obeyed. How can it be otherwise? The leaders are like dogs that can't bark anymore to warn anyone. They have made a pack with Trump to give them what they think we all need to be safe, happy, and even to worship our God...especially to worship God.  So, at what point will they reverse course? They have already chosen to overlook the vilest and most deplorable behaviors.  They overlooked selling out Israel for peace in the UAE. They rationalized it and looked the other way, not even willing to consider that this deal could possibly be against God's will. Yes, the religious leaders in our day have shown that they will never reject him, because they truly believe that Trump is one with God. Yes, he is one with God. How does one separate a divinely appointed being and God Himself? God and his miraculous works are almost one in the same, so if a man is deemed to be "of God" to accomplish a certain task that is needed by all of the people to be secure, then to forsake the man is to forsake the God who has sent him to do a work.

The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, "Don't call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don't live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heaven's Armies holy in your life. HE IS THE ONE YOU SHOULD FEAR. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe.

Isaiah 8:11-14

The people were trusting the Assyrian King to save them, and they were afraid of an alliance between the northern kingdom of Israel (not Judah) and Syria, but God says don't fear, and don't trust the Assyrian. God destroys the idols that His people look to for help. Don't even get started on the Cyrus thing it's not applicable.

How is it that the Christian world, by and large, isn't batting an eye at Trump's behavior? What behavior? I mean calling people bastards and swearing at people. I mean claiming, "I guess I am the father of the vaccine" and saying everyone should take it (yes, even now). How is it that people are not the least bit concerned about Elon Musk? How can the holy and anointed man of God team up with a man who wears Baphomet on his Halloween costume, and names his children after the mark of the beast? or who say that AI will "summon the demon", and then proceeds to summon said demon by becoming a leader in AI technology? How is it that many are not the least bit concerned that he repeatedly claimed to be "dark Maga" and "dark, gothic Maga"? Why isn't anyone, or I should say, why aren't more Christian leaders taking notice of him and issuing a strong caution about the technology that he is proposing? Are the same religious leaders who organize 24 hour prayer vigils and prophesy constantly about God using Donald Trump unable to do just a few minutes of research into who Elon Musk is?

I don't understand. How do I continue to associate myself with a religion that cannot seem to see the writing on the wall, or if they are seeing it, refuse to warn anyone about it? I am angry. Is it righteous anger? I don't know, probably not. Or is it? Is there ever a time, say when your people are being turned over to wolves, to get angry? Could anger help motivate to action to save some? I don't know. I am more sad and shocked than angry anyways. 

I am reading Revelation 13 and I see a play by play of events over the last few months that leaves me utterly dumbfounded and just alert, very alert. Desperate. God, help me endure. God, have mercy on me a sinner. Deliver me from the evil one. 


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