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Showing posts from May, 2024

Last Seven Years Signs of the Times

"Nothing screams global end-time Beast like every citizen on earth forced into house arrest. When in history have we been forced to die alone and say goodbye to our spouses, children, and parents on a telephone because if we tried to see them in person we would be escorted off the premises and possibly arrested?"  One of the biggest signs we have been given is the number 70, which I will talk about below as it regards Trump's presidency (this ISN'T political), his age, Israel's age and other things. I found this on, and here is what it had to say: First, it represents completion as noted here: Any number times 10 represents the completeness of that number. (Ten is a “full” number, because after we reach the number 10, we start counting again with 1. For example, the number 11 is 10 plus 1....and  7 times 10 represents the completion of the natural order—each aspect of nature is complete and made up of all 10  sefirot . While the number 70 represents the...

Not One (enemy) Shall Stand Before You! Only Believe

What is the sin pattern "enemy" that has mastered your life? What power of death is oppressing you? Jesus destroyed it, and he wants you to enter that victory. He is your life, and your life is hidden in Him. The veil is torn. God's presence is life, power, love, peace, and releases from all satanic power that we came under due to our rebellion from God. Can you believe on Christ? What Jesus did in overcoming Satan was for you and it was for me. Jesus was already over Satan, and he came as a man to bring us into power over sin. We were born into sin because of Adam's sin, and by faith, we are born into new life (power OVER sin and death) by Jesus' victory-in exactly the same way, by faith that is given to us by the Holy Spirit as we seek Him! Yay. You can't do anything. You can't transform a potato chip let alone your heart. But God can, and He did. This is the gospel, Christ in you, the hope of glory!  Seeing by the Spirit, the OT prophet said there will...

Failing Into God's Love!

  When we believe and receive God’s love in that very place that we have failed, faith is born. Love is born. Worship rises like incense. Our hearts are softened with the oil of his Spirit and worship pours fourth like a clear, pure stream of love. “All of my fountains are in you Oh Lord.” Have you ever felt that your heart had grown cold towards God, or perhaps your heart has never known the joy of overflowing worship? One reason for coldness of heart towards God is that we think highly of ourselves and secretly feel that God owes us in some way. Another reason for lack of warmth towards God is that we have forgotten how much we have been forgiven.  He who is forgiven much loves much. Jesus reminded us before his death to continually remember what he did for us on the cross.  God desires that all of our self-confidence, which is nothing more than deception-because the truth is that we have nothing in ourselves- will die on the cross with Christ. Before Peter betrayed C...

Aleph Tav Studies: The Mark, Beginning and Ending, Strong Covenant

 I dreamt of Aleph Tav over and over and felt to look into it. I am posting links to studies here as it's very powerful! Initially I learned that it points to the strength of the covenant in Christ, that God will fulfill His promises in Christ for those who believe on Him-and do not lose faith. Today I am learning more about these letters and the word comprised of the letters. This article talks about the word for "mark" and has connections with the mark placed on the foreheads of believers by the angels in Revelation. There is a mark of the beast, and there is the mark of God, both are in the forehead. In the OT, we see that a mark was placed on the hands and foreheads of those who were led out of Egypt as well-or maybe it was those who keep God's decrees. At the moment I can't recall, but it IS there. What is the Aleph Tav? (

The Isaiah 4 Sign: His Spirit is Our Only Covering/Leaving Man Pleasing Shepherds to David's

  Between April 5 and 7th of 2020 hurricane Harold, a Category 5 hurricane, hit two Islands in the South Pacific nation of Vanuata, Holy Spirit Island (Isle Espiritu Santo) and Pentecost Island.   (It struck me as significant that the storm made landfall on islands named Holy Spirit and Pentecost, so I began looking into it and asking the Lord about it.   The first thing that stood out to me was that this archipelago is located in what is called the New Hebrides which takes its name from the Scottish Hebrides Islands where a powerful revival broke out in the 1940’s.) I discovered that the name of the storm, Harold, means “Army Ruler”. (When the Lord began quickening my spirit to particular signs and events in 2018, I soon discovered that certain dates and numbers corresponded with scripture. When I asked him which book, the answer that came to my mind was “Isaiah, always Isaiah .”) The storm was formed on April 1 st and then hit both islands between the 5 th  ...

He Conquers You to Bless You: Understand Trials that Purify

 Lord, give us understanding. His ways are not our ways. We read in Psalm 107 how the Lord glorifies His name and accomplishes salvation. In this Psalm we see the methods that God uses to draw us to Himself. But first, this powerful scripture that sums it up well. Isaiah 29:18 "Yet the Lord still waits for you to come to him, so he can show you his love; he will conquer you to bless you, just as he said. For the Lord is faithful to his promises. Blessed are all those who wait for him to help them." This verse follows a long explanation of the blows that God allows to fall on His people Israel because of their idolatry and their inattention to Him. They are full of hatred, oppression of the poor, and deceit. No judgment is found in them; only lies, betrayal, and boastful pride. Because of their sin, He allows trouble to bring them to their knees. Psalm 27 also shows us how God uses trouble to invite us into His presence. Have you ever been in trouble? Have you ever been in so...