"Nothing screams global end-time Beast like every citizen on earth forced into house arrest. When in history have we been forced to die alone and say goodbye to our spouses, children, and parents on a telephone because if we tried to see them in person we would be escorted off the premises and possibly arrested?" One of the biggest signs we have been given is the number 70, which I will talk about below as it regards Trump's presidency (this ISN'T political), his age, Israel's age and other things. I found this on Chabad.org, and here is what it had to say: First, it represents completion as noted here: Any number times 10 represents the completeness of that number. (Ten is a “full” number, because after we reach the number 10, we start counting again with 1. For example, the number 11 is 10 plus 1....and 7 times 10 represents the completion of the natural order—each aspect of nature is complete and made up of all 10 sefirot . While the number 70 represents the...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.