Ok, so a few weeks ago I was reading about the miracles where Jesus multiplies the bread. Right after these two astounding miracles, Jesus and his disciples cross the lake and run smack into the religious leaders who demand that Jesus give them a sign! Anyways, right after this encounter with the spirit of religion ( unbelief in Christ’s power ), Jesus went up into the hillside to pray, presumably to get alone with God to hear from heaven. He was totally dependent on the Father, as we know. However, his self-sufficient, (and ignorant) disciples jump into the boat thinking they can get along with what they have. They haven’t learned of their true condition, weakness, and need of God yet, so off they go to the next stop. Basically, though they had just seen God’s power multiply the “bread from heaven” i.e., Jesus, and they had just eaten it and fed the hungry crowd with the bread from heaven….right after that, the disciples lapse into unbelief. Their unbelief ca...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.