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Showing posts from September, 2022

Seeing God Again (Journal Entry)

 I want to share a journal entry from 10/10/20 that I found edifying to re-read. It's so good to go over our journals because we really do tend to forget. I am coming to see that 90% of our faith walk is comprised of simply remembering. The enemy works hard to make us forget. Like many of my blogs I am writing stream of consciousness so it's not clean and edited.  Prayer Walk October 10, 2020 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! Oh wow this morning was powerful. I feel a fresh wind of God blowing. I see fire, and flecks of gold and white blowing winds of fire.   So, I will do the play by play. I was walking and thinking, thinking, thinking. Then I thought about how my beautiful Bridegroom Jesus has a still, small voice so I took some time to get quiet. Your thoughts are not my thoughts O God, your ways are not my ways. Here, let me lay them down and quiet my mind so that I may hear your words of life, words that always bear good fruit when they f...


Jesus was bound and led away to die so that we could be loosed from Satan's dominion! Praise God! To be "bound" means fastened to, tied to, and it's what Satan wants to do to us, but Jesus came to set us free so that nothing can exercise any dominion over us. Through his death, he destroyed the one who had the power of death! Coming soon....

Various Words of Warning, Encouragement and Faith

 In this post, I tried to pull together what I have been hearing over the last few years in terms of the season that we are living in. I just wanted to see it all together instead of spaced out in my journals, some of the most crucial words and warnings. I hope that it encourages you. My Children, Are you awake? Are you not able to discern the hour in which you live? Will you be full of faith, believing the word of the Lord, or will you be unfaithful in this most crucial hour?   “ Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat,and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.” Mark 16:14 Unbelief:  ognate: 570   apisia – properly, without(divine persuasion, "no-faithfulness" (unfaithfulness); "want of faith" (betraying a trust)" Will you believe the scriptures and discern the hour and expect the return of the Lord, just as scriptures have prophesied, or will you have a ...

That They May Be One: True and False Unity

  That They May Be One- What Is True Unity? "Scripture tells us to test prophetic words, and to search the scriptures to determine if the word being spoken is of God. I don’t know about you, but when was the last time that you heard anyone talk about testing the prophetic word, teachings, or those who claim the office of prophet or apostle? I have never heard anyone talk about it, but on the contrary, I have only witnessed a blank check that the church is expected to sign for anyone who claims to have spoken to an angel or has a word from God. " In what many call Jesus's high priestly prayer, Jesus asks the Father to make us "one".  I am not sure what others think about this prayer, but I had the impression that he was praying that we might be one with each other.  As I read it again the other day,   I saw it in a new light, one that thrilled my heart and elucidated the road to unity within the body of Christ on earth. John 17:10 Jesus said, “…and all min...

Seeing the Unseen: David and Goliath

  In 2018, I went through a terrifying time in which the enemy came against me with such fear that I shook for an entire week. God was faithful to see me through,   and at the end of the week he set a table for me in the very presence of my enemies. He said, “The enemy is going to come against the body of Christ seven ways to Sunday (my human interpretation). But will you fear? No! Do Navy Seals get afraid when they hear the enemy is coming? No, they don’t because they have trained, and they know that they belong to a strong army and represent the United States. Do not be afraid." What struck me the most was when He said, “ You will have to choose between believing and cleaving to my word-or what you will see in the natural. It’s My word, or the circumstances … which will look very bad (i.e. terrifying, threatening, intimidating etc.)” Since that time, I have been “girding up the loins of my mind” as much as possible against all of the natural things that tempt us to doubt G...