I want to share a journal entry from 10/10/20 that I found edifying to re-read. It's so good to go over our journals because we really do tend to forget. I am coming to see that 90% of our faith walk is comprised of simply remembering. The enemy works hard to make us forget. Like many of my blogs I am writing stream of consciousness so it's not clean and edited. Prayer Walk October 10, 2020 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! Oh wow this morning was powerful. I feel a fresh wind of God blowing. I see fire, and flecks of gold and white blowing winds of fire. So, I will do the play by play. I was walking and thinking, thinking, thinking. Then I thought about how my beautiful Bridegroom Jesus has a still, small voice so I took some time to get quiet. Your thoughts are not my thoughts O God, your ways are not my ways. Here, let me lay them down and quiet my mind so that I may hear your words of life, words that always bear good fruit when they f...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.