My Children, Are you awake? Are you not able to discern the hour in which you live? Will you be full of faith, believing the word of the Lord, or will you be unfaithful in this most crucial hour? “ Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat,and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.” Mark 16:14 Unbelief: ognate: 570 apistía (the negated form of 4103 /pistós , "faithful") – properly, without(divine persuasion, "no-faithfulness" (unfaithfulness); "want of faith" (betraying a trust)" Will you believe the scriptures and discern the hour and expect the return of the Lord, just as scriptures have prophesied, or will you have a hard heart of unbelief? The Anna’s and Simeon’s (intelligent hearer) who live in the secret place with Me will discern the hour, and the religious who may know the word well but who lean unto their own under...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.