How do we labor to enter His rest? T he word tells us that the kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. They seize it. Have you ever noticed that the people who received miracles from Jesus were very desperate? They pushed through crowds, threw off their cloaks, risked humiliation, and many cried out above the din of voices literally stopping Jesus in his tracks. Oh, he loves desperate sick folks. God's love is all-consuming. His love is compared to a mighty rushing river and unquenchable fire. He have given everything for love, and He seeks the same love in return. Many false teachings are perverting the truth that Jesus has done it all, (He has) and won it all, (He has) to cause us to sit back in a spiritual stupor while Satan makes off with all of our inheritance. Jesus purchased our rest, but we must labor to enter into it. J esus said that we have to eat his body and drink his blood in order to experience eternal li...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.