Our sins are washed by his sacrifice, but it is his life that gives us righteousness and peace. "Churchianity" misses this point entirely, effectively placing us back under the weight of our own self-efforts to bring forth the life of God. Yet the law was meant to slay us and utterly demolish all self confidence in order that we would depend entirely on the Fountain of Life who springs eternal in those who are poor in spirit and believe on Him. Will- power cannot eradicate the sin that stems from the human heart; it can only, at best, curtail sinful behaviors, thus cleaning the "outside of the cup" while the inside is full of sin (Matt 23:25). Only by the transformational power of the Holy Spirit who imparts the very life and nature of Christ can we walk in heart righteousness. "For in that day , I will write my laws on their hearts, and they will be my people, and I will be there God. (Jer 31:33). This is a ministry of the Holy Sp...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.