The Lord has been speaking to me about faith and doubt, and I have been seeing faith with new eyes. I have always been interested in the matter of faith and its substance, where it comes from, and how it grows. Faith is of God and not of man. Faith can no more be generated by an act of will than a planet can be created by someone who wishes to do so. If we can't generate faith by an act of mental willpower, how then does it grow? It is a gift that is imparted from God to the one who is seeking God with all of His heart. As with anything else, faith comes as an answer to prayer. Faith comes when God speaks into the spirit of man thus making His word come to life. Faith see's reality because it has heard Him speak. The word teaches that faith comes by hearing the word of God. Not just the written word, but the word breathed into the heart of man by the Holy Spirit. The Lord is a quickening spirit, and His word quickens our spirit to life. When faith comes to l...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.