(this is a repost from 2012) Jesus has issued us an invitation. If you can believe you may cease from your striving and enter My rest. Labor in the Greek is translated kapiao, to feel fatigue, to work hard, to toil. We labor under the weight of our anxieties, fears, habits, and addictions. The ways in which we labor are many. We labor under the weight of our fears. We labor to pad our bank accounts, get out of debt, or keep up with some real or imaginary person. We labor to gain and keep the respect of significant others and the list goes on. We labor on and seldom experience more than a fleeting rest. Apart from the rest of Christ, we are indeed heavy-laden. We are to labor, but not for the things that perish because those things do not offer rest for our souls. This is really what we are after even if we don't realize it. If I just have this person, job, or salary, then I will feel joy and peace. Not so. After Jesus fed the 5,000 the crowds followed him across the lake. Inst...
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.