Thinking of late how He is always speaking to my heart, my inner man. That if I will go down into that secret chamber, the closet of my heart where I alone dwell without any distractions or thoughts for others or fear of man, I will begin to hear Him much more clearly! Cultivate a quiet heart, free from anxiety, fear, and doubt for the Lord speaks quietly to your inner man and we must be listening to hear Him. I want to shout this from the housetops because our culture is in danger of losing the quiet, peaceful, reflective place due to too many distractions. Remember that the first trial for the seed of God’s word is simply to find a space to fall and there to remain undisturbed. How can the seed remain if we are so easily distracted from some God-given thought, word, conviction, or revelation? We lose many seeds when we fail to maintain a quiet heart without which we cannot grow deep roots of faith and obedience. Lord, give more grace!
Understanding the transformational power of God to make us new creations in Christ Jesus.