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Showing posts from August, 2009

Warp and Woof: Becoming New Wineskins

Warp and Woof: The underlying structure or foundation of something, as in "He foresaw great changes in the warp and woof of the nation's economy." This expression, used figuratively since the second half of the 1500s, alludes to the threads that run lengthwise (warp) and crosswise (woof) in a woven fabric. (Wikipedia 8/10/09) The Lord is looking into the warp and woof of our hearts, examining the underlying structure of our lives in order that He may fill us to overflowing with Himself. He is seeking to pour out new wine, but preparation must be made. In response to accusations that Jesus’s disciples were not as pious as John’s disciples, who fasted regularly, Jesus had this to say: "You cannot mend old fabric with a new piece of fabric, nor can you put old wine into new wine skins." It is unwise because the violent fermentation process would burst the old, hard, dry, wineskins, spilling the precious wine and destroying the skins (Dake Study Bible). New wine ...