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Notes on Peace in Upheaval: Isaiah 26

 Tale o f Two Cities: Which city shapes our desires, and drives our conduct?  Are we fighting for Babylon and conformed to its image, or the eternal city of God? The harvest is all about separation-scripture speaks of trouble and shakings through time that purge and separate the leaven from God's people in a refining process, but those who have no appetite for God remain unchanged and unable to discern that it is God Himself calling them near through the trouble. "I counsel you to buy gold tried by fire." Trouble is God knocking, but the wicked come forth without any gold, says the prophet.  We are shaking. Babylon is falling. I keep hearing, "He will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" so looked up some commentary on it this morning.  The commentary was powerful and instructive for our time. The more that I study the symbol of Babylon, and Mystery Babylon, the more I am concluding that it is the fullest expression of man's sinful appeti...
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LOOKING for Our Redemption: Fullness of Our Salvation

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Open Your Mouth Wide for the Feast of Tabernacles!

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Dreaming of the Feast of Tabernacles

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Insightful Article on the Trump-Musk Team

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The Two Eclipses Pointing to Trump and Tribulation

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